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Create an Advanced Filter [v5]

You can filter events at the start of a query using an arbitrary expression containing ANDs, ORs, or NOTs.

To create an advanced filter:

  1. In your query definition, go to the Filtered To field.

  2. Click the drop-down and select ‘Create a function’.

  3. Type and use suggestions to build your advanced filter. You can start with either Select a Function or a knob to begin in the drop-down.

    Selecting a function will provide a list of supported functions:

    Selecting a knob will result in an operator drop-down appearing. Note that the types of operators available will depend on the data type of the knob you select. For example, numbers get math operators, strings get pattern-matching options, etc.

For more information about supported functions and syntax, see Calculate measures and filters with the expression builder.

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