Build Queries and Visualizations [v5]
Show a count of events
This article shows you how to create a basic "show count of events" query.Determine the number of actors across all events over a set period of time.
Refine the display of query results in a panel, without creating and running a new query.
How Scuba handles time, and how you can use exact and relative time settings in a query.
Calculate measures and filters
When you're building a Scuba query, whenever you are selecting a property, you can instead create a mathematical expression and use it in your query or property definition.
Scuba preserves the session query history, on a per-user basis. This is helpful when you want to return to a query from the current browser session, or return to a query you ran during an earlier session. Scuba lets you view past queries with data from when the queries were originally run. You can use these queries as jumping off points from which to create new queries.
Visualize hierarchical data with a sunburst chart
Sunburst charts are an effective way to display and analyze hierarchical data. Each level of the sunburst chart (hierarchy) is shown as a ring or circle. The innermost circle is the root (or top) of the hierarchy.