Scuba Tutorials [v5]
The Scuba Tutorials are for users who are new to Scuba Analytics. These tasks introduce you to the user interface, walk through creating and modifying queries and flows, and describe how to analyze and share the results.
You can perform this series of tasks sequentially to familiarize yourself with using Scuba, or you can jump directly to a specific task you need help completing.
Start working with queries and panels
Learn how to create a panel, create and modify a query, and create event and actor properties.
Create a board and add a panel
Once you're familiar with any boards or queries in your workspace when you first log into Scuba, you'll want to create your own custom board. This article walks you through that process.
This article demonstrates modifying a query from Explore and from a panel, starting with the query example from Create a board and add a panel.
This article describes how to define a new event property. Use an event property in a query to summarize, group by, or filter on a reusable expression.
An actor is the someone or something that performs an event. An actor can be a user, a physical object (such as a device), a digital object (like a service), or a bot.
Learn how to create, analyze, and modify a flow.
A flow helps you visualize the path of actions taken by a group of actors.
This article demonstrates a few ways you can inspect a flow and start analyzing results in the flow builder.
When you create a flow, you can choose from a default set of properties. You can also create custom flow properties. Adding custom properties to a flow is similar to running ad hoc queries.
Learn how to work with queries, perform calculations and determine ratios
This article demonstrates how to construct a query using two measures, then how to determine the ratio between the two measures.
Personalize your workspace by controlling the display of objects you've created or that have been shared with you, inspect query history, and manage objects.
Change the visibility of properties
Manage your workspace by changing the display of properties that you've created or that have been shared with you.
After your property lists become extensive, you'll still want to be able to find the properties you need quickly. This article shows you how to search (filter) for properties, as well as how to delete obsolete properties.
Scuba preserves the session query history, on a per-user basis. This is helpful when you want to return to a query from the current browser session, or return to a query you ran during an earlier session. Scuba lets you view past queries with data from when the queries were originally run. You can use these queries as jumping off points from which to create new queries.
After completing the Scuba tutorial, you can continue to enhance your Scuba skills and deepen your expertise in exploring data for behavioral analytics. The following resources provide a broad base for continued learning.